Tuesday, August 16, 2005


"Life boils down to a few moments and this is one of 'em"

Bud Fox in the the movie Wall Street

And today, there were four of 'em in one of the most amazing days of my life...

16th August ,2005

#1 : Megha and me at the Vivekananda Square at around 11 a.m. .. a tear or two on my suit and a tear or two on her shirt. Two sighs of relief.. and two chocolates down the drain

#2 : "Amitesh , HLL spot" . That was a kick!

#3 : Aparna,Aparna,Aparna... I think I got one of my best lines in with her today..

"So now whenever I look at you, I have a reason to celebrate... "
Seriously , I am kinda proud of my creation.. I should use this line more often ... : )

#4 : The Walk for Marlboro Lights.