Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eloy - Discografie

Taking their name from the "Eloi", the futuristic race of people in H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, ELOY was initially formed in 1969 in Germany. Inspired by THE SHADOWS and THE BEATLES, they became one of the major bands in the progressive rock scene highly influenced by the space rock of PINK FLOYD. They started off in Germany as a hard rock band with a political bent, but soon drifted into a spacier progressive rock sound. They have had a number of turnovers, with a major split in the 1980s that resulted in a move into more of a mainstream direction. Based mainly on founder Frank BORNEMANN's guitar solos, their music evolved to include more synthesizers and choirs.

They produced many albums between 1971 and 1998 with different line-ups. Their best period is the mid to late-70's with the trippier space-rock of "Inside" and "Floating" (with Manfred WIECZORKE later of JANE). "Dawn" is actually one of the better of the symphonic-era ELOY albums, perhaps even the best. "Ocean" is a concept album about Atlantis, and one of the pillar albums of the German symphonic scene, and certainly worth checking out. They followed up with "Silent Cries and Mighty Echoes", the year later to even greater success. During 1993-1994, ELOY released three best of collections and it wasn't until 1994 with the release of "The Tides Return Forever", that they recorded and toured again is released and the band reappeared live on stage for several successful shows in Germany. Their last album "Ocean 2", released in 1998, was a surprising come back of a progressive rock band, which stopped recently their stage-appearances.


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Power And The Passion
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Silent Cries And Mighty Echoes
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Time To Turn
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Codename Wildgeese
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In their early years, KAIPA was one of Sweden's best seventies symphonic prog bands. Roine STOLT from THE FLOWER KINGS was a member of KAIPA. Their albums contain a mostly instrumental music, drawing its influences from Progressive music (CAMEL, YES, GENESIS...), classic music (BACH) or Swedish folklore.

The first three albums ("Kaipa", "Inget Nytt Under Solen" and "Solo") are a beauty and probably most indicative of their style - dreamy symphonic rock with simple, yet very effective melodies and a great deal of emotion. "Notes From The Past" is their 6th studio album since 1975 and the first one since 1982. All colours of the unique KAIPA-music from the 70's are present but with a brand new collection of masterpieces. With the new album "Keyholder", Hans LUNDIN and Roine STOLT perform some new music, searching for a new level of progress, yet echoing fragments of the glorious 70's, trying to bring the new Kaipa-sound to a higher level. The melodies linger on and will probably stay with you for decades to entertain and to thrill. AN ESSENTIAL CDS for fans interested in symphonic progressive rock!


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Inget Nytt Under Solen
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Stockholm Symphonie
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Notes From The Past
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Angling Feelings
(13 ratings)


Eloy s-a infiintat in Germania, in 1969. Numele formatiei a fost luat din cartea lui H.G. Wells, “Masina timpului”. Initial, influentele muzicale erau Shadows si Beatles, ulterior Eloy devenind una dintre cele mai importante trupe ale scenei progressive, dupa ce experimentase si sunetul hard rock. Numeroase surse critice invoca influente Pink Floyd, idee care se regaseste in opinia semnatarului, cu mentiunea ca este vorba mai degraba despre preluari la nivel formal, dealtfel fara utilitate in conceptia compozitionala.

Aparut in 1977, Ocean – al saselea album realizat de Eloy, este ancorat in ideile inceputului de deceniu. In tandem cu delay-ul mentionat, engleza “problematica” a vocalului ar putea alcatui o baza suficient de solida pentru rezervele publicului ascultator. Totusi update-ul space music si virtuozitatea instrumentala transforma posibilele minusuri in avantaje de tip farmec si recontextualizare. Componenta este urmatoarea: Frank Bornemann - chitara, voce; Klaus-Peter Matziol - bas, voce; Jurgen Rosenthal - percutie, flaut si Detlev Schmidtchen - orga, mellotron, xilofon, voce.

Piesa de mari proportii “Poseidon's Creation” (1) debuteaza printr-un lung intro cu sintetizator de coarde si chitara, a la Dark Side of the Moon, urmat indeaproape de un solo de chitara impregnat in atmosfera de pe Meddle. Pasajul vocal care intervine dupa 4’40”este urmat de o serie de solo-uri ale moog-ului si chitarii

”Incarnation Of The Logos” (2) este o asa zisa creatie “spatiala”, dominata de atmosfera alienanta. Componenta ambientala este convertita pe parcursul piesei intr-o improviztie colectiva, facuta pe o structura armonica bine definita.

”Decay Of The Logos” (3) apare ca o suita de monologuri instrumentale flancate strict de formule ritmice percutante. Influentele hard rock se fac simtite, in ciuda liniei armonice complexe sustinute de sintesizator. Este de asemenea vorba despre o piesa finalizata intr-o maniera diferita de modul in care incepuse.

”Atlantis' Agony At June 5th - 8498, 13 p.m. Gregorian Earthtime” (4) este, alaturi de “Poseidon’s …” o piesa monumentala, prin dimensiuni si intentii. Solo-urile instrumentale alterneaza cu momentele vocale – narate sau cantate. Reflexe kraut isi fac simtita prezenta. Bas-ul imi aminteste puternic de Cantafabule, album aparut in acelasi an.

Libretul este inspirat din legendele Greciei antice. Textele au insa destul de putine in comun cu muzica. Solutia cu pasajele narate trimite cu gandul la albumul Journay to the Centre of the Earth al lui Rick Wakeman. Ca si in cazul acestui ultim exemplu, exista o categorie de public pentru care Ocean reprezinta capodopera progressive prin excelenta. In mod cert avem de-a face cu un moment de varf al genului, dar latura ambiental – spatiala prevaleaza, invitand la imaginatia prin asociatii libere si la evadarea din real, factori care nu tin strict de arta sunetului, deci nici de perfectiunea formei si fondului.

Un articol despre efectele negative ale drogurilor puncta faptul ca in Germania anului 1977, LSD-ul si alte substante cu proprietati asemanatoare faceau puternic parte – se pare – din preocuparile post hippie ale iubitorilor de muzica (genurile dure mergeau mai mult pe varianta “energizantelor”). Asa se explica – spune articolul - faptul ca albumele Eloy se vindeau in interiorul tarii la fel de bine ca Genesis, Queen sau Pink Floyd.

Articol de Mihai Plamadeala - muzician NOMEN EST OMEN

Pendragon releases

The Jewel - 1985
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The Jewel, Pendragon’s first full length studio album is considered today something of a classic. Featuring Nick Barrett (vocal’s & Guitars), Rik Carter (keyboards), Peter Gee (bass, guitar, bass pedals) & Nigel Harris (drums & percussion). Cover illustration by Dave Hancock. This album written and produced back in the heady days of the early 1980’s contains what have become anthemic tracks by Pendragon "Leviathan", "Alaska" and of course "The Black Knight" which became a call to be heard regularly chanted in London’s Marquee Club, and a song still achieving high votes in favourite Pendragon track polls. About to Celebrate its 20th birthday, it’s popularity never seems to die.

Wilcey - 5th/05/05

Released in 1985
Toff Records

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Track listing: Higher Circles (3'29") - The Pleasure Of Hope (3'43") - Leviathan (6'13") - Alaska (8'39") [1- At Home With The Earth, 2- Snowfall] - Circus (6'34") - Oh Divineo (6'51") - The Black Knight (9'57"). Bonus tracks: Fly High Fall Far (4'56") - Victims Of Life (6'53") [from FLY HIGH FALL FAR]

MP3: Higher Circles | Oh Divineo | The Black Knight

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The Jewel Remastered - 2005
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It's remarkable to think that The Jewel is 20 yrs old!!! By way of celebration we have a remastered for cd edition, with bonus tracks of Fly High Fall Far, Victims of Life, Armegeddon and Insomnia, all greatly admired classics from an era in Pendragon's history that just smells of London's Marquee Club! Having been originally recorded back in the days of vinyl, the remastering of this timeless classic has made the whole thing seem brighter, clearer and good bit louder. It really is incredible how fresh and vibrant the Jewel sounds. New artwork and, at last, a cd booklet brings the whole package up to date and makes this an exciting edition to an existing collection or a remarkably vibrant album to newcomers to Pendragon.

Wilcey - 11th/09/05


Released in 2005
Toff Records

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Track listing: Higher Circles (3'29") - The Pleasure Of Hope (3'43") - Leviathan (6'13") - Alaska (8'39") [1- At Home With The Earth, 2- Snowfall] - Circus (6'34") - Oh Divineo (6'51") - The Black Knight (9'57"). Bonus tracks: Fly High Fall Far (4'56") - Victims Of Life (6'53") [from FLY HIGH FALL FAR] and Armageddon (6'12") - Insomnia (4'12")

MP3: Insomnia

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Kowtow - 1988
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This album is considered to be their most commercial (it was used as a demo for EMI). It's easier and less "complicated" but you can feel this music as it's got soul! "Saved by You" and "The Mask" will hit you with their energy. The beautiful ballad "The Haunting" will certainly show you the light in the tunnel... The masterpiece title track with its great guitar solo shows the direction the band has taken: "... don't isolate your sensitivity and you'll never be alone...". The wonderful spirit of the 80's is all around you when you listen to this album!

Maciej Kaploniak - 16th/02/03

Released in 1988
Toff Records

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Track listing: Saved by You (3'58") (bonus track) - The Mask (4'01") - Time for a Change (3'56") - I Walk the Rope (4'17") - 2 AM (4'14") - Total Recall (7'00") - The Haunting (10'40") - Solid Heart (4'20") - Kowtow (8'56")

MP3: Saved by You | I Walk the Rope | The Haunting

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The World - 1991
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This is Pendragon's 3rd studio recording. It was their first recognisable album, the one which revealed the Pendragon sound to everyone - a sound recognizable all around the world, which calls all your senses with its melodies. It is emotional, catchy and timeless. A large number of new listeners are seduced by the poetical and textual refinement of their songs. It also brought the band a visual identity with the collaboration with Simon Williams, their current covers artwork illustrator. If you want to discover the band we highly recommend this CD!

Didier Pernice - 16th/02/03

Released in 1991
Toff Records

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Track listing: Back in the Spotlight (7'39") - The Voyager (12'15") - Shane (4'25") - Prayer (5'21") - Queen of Hearts (21'46") [1- Queen of Hearts 2- A Man Could Die out Here 3- The Last Waltz] - And We'll Go Hunting Deer (7'14")

MP3: Back in the Spotlight | Shane | Prayer

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The Window Of Life - 1993
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1993 and Pendragon were on a roll! After the success of "The World" this new album certainly did not disapoint the fans. From the opening track "The Walls Of Babylon" with it’s upbeat tempo and lively keyboard sounds to the sweeping guitar solo of "Breaking The Spell" - truly a piece of guitar genius! And beyond to the heartbreakingly beautiful and classic "Am I Really Losing You?", The Window Of Life is a well rounded album with a roller coaster ride thrown in! - an important part of any Pendragon collection.

Wilcey - 5th/05/05


Released in 1993
Toff Records

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Track listing: The Walls Of Babylon (10'44") - Ghosts (7'58") - Breaking The Spell (9'12") - The Last Man On Earth (14'40") [1- Skylight, 2- Paradise Road] - Nostradamus (Stargazing) (6'19") - Am I Really Losing You? (4'47")

MP3: The Walls of Babylon | Ghosts | Nostradamus

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The Masquerade Overture - 1996
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This is Pendragon's tenth release and sees the band soar to new heights of excellence and demonstrates why Pendragon is such an extraordinary band. The orchestral music and operatic vocals make "The Masquerade Overture" a very powerful and unusual opening track. From beginning to end, the listener's emotions are taken on a rollercoaster ride, from the rousing "As Good As Gold" and "Masters of Illusion" to the gentler, more melancholy, "Paintbox" and "The Shadow". This is a truly outstanding album that was their bestseller at the time. If you don't have a copy already, we thoroughly recommend that you check it out!

Claire Bamber - 16th/02/03

Released in 1996
Toff Records

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Track listing: The Masquerade Overture (3'02") - As Good as Gold (7'15") - Paintbox (8'36") - The Pursuit of Excellence (2'36") - Guardian of my Soul (12'39") - The Shadow (9'54") - Masters of Illusion (12'50")

MP3: As Good as Gold | Paintbox |
Guardian of my Soul

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Not Of This World - 2001
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Pendragon is definitely not of this world. This CD is their most accomplished studio recording. Both the lyrics and the melodies are more deep and emotional than ever before.Yet, it seems to have been misunderstood by not being welcomed as expected. The non-appropriate use of new technologies by some people is perhaps partly responsible... but time, as usual, will prove the contrary! This album is a wonder, an awakening to all our feelings, a lesson of optimism. When everything is tumbling down around us because of betrayals, what remains to us? Where can we find the answers? This album is to savour, eyes closed, on a beach, in front of a sunset...

Didier Pernice - 16th/02/03

Released in 2001
Toff Records

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Track listing: If I Were the Wind (And You Were the Rain) (9'25") - Dance Of The Seven Veils (11'42'') [1- Faithless 2- All Over Now] - Not of this World (17'28'') [1- Not of this World 2- Give it to Me 3- Green Eyed Angel] - A Man of Nomadic Traits (11'44'') - World's End (17'48") [1- The Lost Children 2- And Finally...]

If I Were the Wind | Green Eyed Angel | The Lost Children

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Believe - 2005
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Believe. I believe this album to be simply a breathtaking body of work. Classic Pendragon sounds but with a new, contemporary and genuinely proggressive edge, Believe is multi faceted. The whole gamut of emotions, a range of influences from the celtic to flamenco, and lyrical and vocal content that is equally strong, thought prevoking, and heart breakingly tender. Believe surpasses all expectations. It gives us tracks to sing aloud to, tracks to bring tears to your eyes with their tenderness, and even tracks too wiggle your hips to! This album may or may not reach into your soul on first listen, but there is little doubt that it will reach into your soul. It is filled with passion and thought, and ventures into musical areas that are both delightfully surprising and feel so honest. This is an album that will appeal to traditional Pendragon fans, but will also to those more Led Zep, Floyd, and Queen in their musical tastes. I believe.

Wilcey - 11th/09/05

Released in 2005
Toff Records

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Track listing: Believe (2'57") - No Place For The Innocent (5'36'') - The Wisdom Of Solomon (7'07") - The Wishing Well (21'07'') [1- For Your Journey (4'31") 2- Sou' By Sou'west (6'48") 3- We Talked (5'29") 4- Two Roads (4'19")] - Learning Curve (6'38'') - The Edge Of The World (8'20")

Two Roads | No Place For The Innocent

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Fallen Dreams And Angels - 1994
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With this 2nd CD given away to all the subscribers of their fan-clubs, Pendragon proves once again its kindness and its talent by presenting 4 new songs which are in keeping with the style of "The Window Of Life". It also introduces by the clarity and the refining of its melodies, their next studio album "The Masquerade Overture". Pendragon is in full bloom, Nick Barrett's lyrics and voice are cheering, reassuring. The sound, more simple, works for the melody. This is a golden gift with its 4 songs which are among the best that the band had released at that time. Listen carefully to "Sister Bluebird", it's a real release of emotions. Thrills guaranteed!

Guillaume Garcia - 25th/02/03

Released in 1994
Toff Records


Track listing: The Third World in the U.K. (7'16") - Dune (4'40) - Sister Bluebird (7'47") - Fallen Dreams and Angels (5'23")

The Third World in the U.K. | Sister Bluebird

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As Good As Gold - 1996
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Let's call it "The Masquerade Overture" supplement: four tracks including "As Good as Gold"'s single version and for the other three songs you will find all you can expect from Pendragon: emotion, beauty, sensitivity, poetic lyrics. Three different stories, with melody lines and guitar solos you will always remember.

Maciej Kaploniak - 16th/02/03

Released in 1996
Toff Records


Track listing: As Good as Gold (3'27") - Bird of Paradise (6'52") - Midnight Running (7'43") - A Million Milles Away (3'17")

Bird of Paradise | Midnight Running

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9:15 Live - 1986
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This was the Pendragon's first live album and was recorded live at The Marquee Club in London during July 1986. The numbers of fans were rapidly increasing at that time and the album demonstrates how capable Pendragon were as a live band back then, as they continue to be now. It's great to hear the audience participation on tracks such as "Leviathan" and "Red Shoes", as it makes the listener feel part of the whole experience. The album is a mixture of live and studio tracks and has a very upbeat and energetic feel to it. The studio tracks include "Dark Summer's Day" and "Excalibur" from the "Fly High Fall Far" mini-album and the divine instrumental "Please" which is well worth a listen.

Claire Bamber - 16th/02/03

9:15 LIVE
Released in 1986
Toff Records


Track listing: Victims of Life (2'37") - Higher Circles (3'29") - Circus (6'57") - Leviathan (6'22") - Red Shoes (3'03") - Alaska (8'41") - The Black Knight (10'05") - Please (4'48") (studio bonus track). Bonus tracks: Dark Summer's Day (5'31") - Excalibur (6'30") [from FLY HIGH FALL FAR]

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The Very Very Bootleg - 1993
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This CD was recorded in Lille, France on the 12th of April 1992. It was recorded directly onto digital audio tape and has not been remixed, which is why it sounds like a bootleg, hence the name. The sound is quite rough but it gives you the feeling like you are at that particular concert. And the track-list is well worth it! It is well mixed with three older songs and two from their latest "The World" at that time. "Excalibur" live is always a treat and "Queen of Hearts" in it's entirety a jewel. With "Solid Heart" they show that Pendragon can actually really party on stage! And although I get rather nostalgic feelings listening to that CD it doesn't sound old or dusty at all. A must-have for every collection.

Julia Nickel - 19th/09/03


Released in 1993
Toff Records


Track listing: Excalibur (6'16") - Total Recall (6'37") - Queen of Hearts (21'34") - And We'll Go Hunting Deer (7'36") - Solid Heart (9'58")

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Utrecht The Final Frontier - 1995
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That's what I like about Pendragon live albums - they don't repeat themselves over and again. "Utrecht" has a complete different track-list from "Lille", although only two years and one album apart. Of course the sound quality is far better on this one as it is no "bootleg". The Vredenburg Muziekcentrum in Utrecht (Holland) holds quite a large audience and remembering it from being there it was quite packed. Starting with an older song ("Kowtow") the CD turns out to be a great mixture with the main focus on "The Window of Life" - the last four songs of TWOL seem to be even better played live! But my personal favourite on this live album is of course "The Voyager" (which is my all time favourite anyway) - it sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it on stage! It's well worth having a closer at the behind the scenes photos in the middle of the booklet... All in all a good memory for the people who were in the audience and for those who were not a fine example of great music performed live!

Julia Nickel - 19th/09/03


Released in 1995
Toff Records


Track listing: Kowtow (10'02") - Breaking the Spell (8'36") - The Mask (3'42") - The Last Man on Earth (15'06") - Am I Really Losing You? (5'04") - The Voyager (12'10") - Nostradamus (3'40")

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Live In Krakow - 1997
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This is the band's live performance taped at Studio Leg in Kraków, Poland in 1996 on the "Masquerade Overtour". From the start you can tell you are in for a real treat as Pendragon take some of their best songs and make them shine on stage! In this performance, the band sounds tight and every song is played to absolute perfection. Nick's vocals and guitar work will pierce your soul on songs such as "Leviathan" and "Paintbox", while Fudge's drum work on "Guardian of My Soul" will leave you breathless. Clive's keyboard work is pure majesty on every track but he really shines on the track "The Shadow" while Peter's thundering and well placed bass riffs echo beautifully throughout every song. After "Masters of Illusion"'s final, which is Pendragon's answer to Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb", the show concludes with "The Last waltz" but you find yourself wishing that the show would never end!

Jeffery Noble - 25th/02/03

Released in 1997
Toff Records


Track listing: As Good as Gold (7'37) - Paintbox (7'52") - Guardian of my Soul (13'16") - Back in the Spotlight (6'37") - The Shadow (9'47") - Leviathan (7'00") - Masters of Illusion (13'26") - The Last Waltz (4'34")

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Acoustically Challenged - 2002
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Each new release of Pendragon is a challenge. This one isn't an exception to the rule. Let's imagine: playing in a more private atmosphere, less electric, being static and most of all playing as a trio: 2 guitars and a keyboard. The result is amazing, the emotions are deeper and we become aware that Pendragon are writing really great and timeless songs. This album will become one of their classics and, as the icing on the cake, there's also a multimedia track.

Didier Pernice - 16th/02/03

Released in 2002
Metal Mind Records


Track listing: And We'll Go Hunting Deer (5'33") - Fallen Dreams and Angels (5'30") - A Man of Nomadic Traits (6'20") - World's End (5'48") - The Voyager (9'06") - Alaska (8'38") - The Pursuit of Excellence (2'23") - 2 AM (4'19") - Dark Summer's Day (5'52") - Unspoken Words (4'47") [from Heart of David, Peter Gee's 1st solo album] + a multimedia track

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Liveosity - 2004
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See Acoustically Challenged and Live At Last... And More

Released in 2004
Acoustically Challenged CD + Live At Last And More DVD
Toff Records


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The Rest Of Pendragon - 1991
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This album features a collection of early singles, B-sides and incorporates the band's first mini-album "Fly High Fall Far" (1984) in it's entirety. The diversity of Pendragon's unique musical style is showcased in this collection, from the stirring 1988 single "Saved By You", featured as a bonus track on the album "Kowtow", to the powerful instrumental "Excalibur", one of their classics at that time at its best. This album is compulsory listening for anyone wanting to experience the music of Pendragon's formative years.

Claire Bamber - 16th/02/03

Released in 1991
Toff Records

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Track listing: Saved by You (4'03") - Lady Luck (4'52") - Chase the Jewel (5'56") - Elephants Never Grow Old (3'27") - Red Shoes (4'17") - Searching (3'33") - Contact (3'22") - Fly High Fall Far (4'51") - Victims of Life (6'56") - Dark Summer's Day (5'57") - Excalibur (6'29") - Fly High Fall Far (live) (4'23")

Fly High Fall Far | Victims of Life | Dark Summer's Day

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Overture - 1998
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This best of, meant for the Amercan market, recounts 12 years of Pendragon's studio recordings, in 68 min.: 8 songs to make the most of, a collection of gems, a treasure to appreciate! From "The Black Knight" to "Midnight Running", each Pendragon's studio albums (including their 2 mini-CDs) has its selected track chosen. This CD is a great opportunity if you want to discover the band: great songs, selected with taste, which will allow you to savour and get a general view of Pendragon's world, its richness and authenticity.

Guillaume Garcia - 25th/02/03

1984-96 OVERTURE
Released in 1998
Outer Music/Pangea


Track listing: Midnight Running (7'45") - Sister Bluebird (7'48") - Paintbox (8'38") - Ghosts (8'02") - The Voyager (12'16") - Dark Summer's Day (5'32") - Total Recall (7'01") - The Black Knight (previously unreleased) (10'25")

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